Category: marriage

Tip for Maintaining a Strong Marriage While Dealing with Infertility

marriageMaintaining a strong marriage can be difficult while dealing with infertility. There are multiple struggles while on so many levels because infertility has a way of infiltrating every aspect of life, usually with a heightened degree of negativity. Unfortunately, a significant number of couples decide to divorce due the stress put upon them by the challenges of trying to conceive. Fundamentally, the cause of divorce is an attachment to false beliefs, concepts or ideas.

Today, I want to share a tip that hopefully you’ll find helpful in strengthening your marriage during this season of infertility.

Marriage Tip

Why do most people get a divorce? Because they blame the other partner for making them unhappy or miserable.  Blame, shame, and self-justification become the rule of the day instead of love, encouragement, selflessness, and forgiveness.  The way to emerge from the unhappiness caused by those negative beliefs is to come into agreement that the Lord will be the Head of the marriage and that divorce is not an option. Once that you make that determination, here’s  an important decision to make:

Decide that your spouse is not your enemy.

Even though your spouse may not fully grasp the depth of the pain you’re experiencing, he/she is in a covenant relationship with you and should be trusted, respected, and loved. When emotions are on “tilt,” they have a tendency to muddy the waters when it comes to decision making. Both of you are on the same team and need to fight as one strong unit. Make unity in Christ the priority for your marriage. That step of intentionality makes it much easier to weather the storm of infertility.

Maintaining a strong marriage can be difficult while dealing with infertility. Here's a tip that will help...Decide that your spouse is not your enemy. Click To Tweet

Praying with your spouse - love in action

Praying with Your Spouse

What is an advantage of praying with  your spouse? Taking time to pray with your husband can help you get thru the daily grind of handling issues at home, at work, within relationships, etc. And it can help the two of you draw closer to one another and to the Lord.

I’ve learned over 37 years of marriage that there’s a certain “magic” that you can experience when praying with your spouse. Incorporating this action/habit into your life will help fortify your marriage. Even if there is conflict in the relationship, praying together will work to defuse the disagreements. Also, there is power in praying together because the two of you are inviting the God of the universe to be involved in your circumstances.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:19-20 NIV

Prayer always serves to bring calm in the midst of the storm. This is true especially when your prayers are infused with the Word of God. It’s good to find scripture verses to include in your prayer time. Look for verses that specifically address the issue you’re praying about. By doing so, you’ll see how praying together will bring a peaceful and unifying effect to your daily life.

There is power in praying together because the two of you are inviting the God of the universe to be involved in your circumstances (see Matthew 18:19-20). Click To Tweet

Does Praying with Your Spouse Feel Weird?

Praying with your spouse may feel weird at first. Due to circumstances that affect your marriage, it may not be easy to do. But don’t give up! As you and your spouse become more comfortable with regularly interacting with God together, the more you’ll see evidence of His guidance,  wisdom and peace.

Praying together should be friendly, not forced. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some suggestions of things to pray about:

  • blessings you’re thankful for
  • how to joyfully serve one another
  • protection of your family
  • the health of each of you

Consistent fellowship with God by praying your concerns and the things you’re thankful for with your spouse can transform your marriage. By getting in touch with His love for the both of you, your marriage relationship is strengthened. And then you’re better able to recognize and enjoy the blessings He has planned for the both of you.


Maintaining a Strong Marriage During Infertility

This blog post on maintaining a strong marriage first appeared here a couple of years ago. This past weekend a friend reminded me that the keys to a good marriage are good to keep top-of-mind during this season, so I thought I’d share this again.

A Strong Marriage Takes Work

Maintaining a successful marriage takes work under “normal” circumstances. It is especially important to work at maintaining a strong, hope-filled, and love-based marriage during the stressful circumstances added by a season of infertility.

Here are some important keys about love as God intended a husband and wife to experience it. Focus on how love REALLY is and not as it’s portrayed on television, in romance novels, and online. Focus on God’s love for you and how He wants you to love your spouse. Get more tips and encouragement in my e-book, Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility.

I know the struggle is real. Which of these keys are you using “on purpose” in your marriage to keep it strong?


Strong Marriage


Focus Friday – Love in Marriage

Maintaining a successful marriage takes work under “normal” circumstances. It is especially important to work at maintaining a strong, hope-filled, and love-based marriage during the stressful circumstances added by a season of infertility.

Here are important some keys about love, as God intended it to be experienced between husband and wife. Focus on how love REALLY is and not as it’s portrayed on television, in romance novels, and online. Focus on God’s love for you and how He wants you to love your spouse.

Get more tips and encouragement in my ebook, Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility.


Love and Marriage