Determining Your Future

What kind of future do you desire? Is it one filled with days of average outcomes or  outstanding results? Your words are seeds for your future. What you’re saying throughout your day today, will determine the outcome of your future days.

In a farmer’s mind, the seed has dominion over the soil. The seed is what determines the harvest. No matter how well-conditioned the soil may be, without any seed, there is no harvest!

Whether you believe it or not, your words are seeds for your future. Your negative words will bring about a negative outcome and be a snare in your life [Proverbs 18:7]. Your positive words will result in a positive outcome, bringing a harvest of “good success” [Joshua 1:8].

The best seed you can plant for your future is God’s Word from the Bible because His words are full of truth and life. They will always provide a bountiful harvest when planted in good soil. Isn’t it wonderful that YOU get to determine the harvest of your life through the seeds of the words you speak?

Make the decision to believe and consistently speak scriptures that contain the promises of what you desire to have happen in your life. Your fruitful future depends upon the seeds you sow today!

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