Focus Friday – Confidence

Sometimes iGod's Promises Are YESt’s hard to trust and have confidence in the plans of someone else regarding the impact of their plans on YOUR life. If someone asked you whether you agree with whatever God has said and planned about your situation, what would be your response? Would you express sincere confidence in His plans for you? Confidence is always followed by action. Consider what actions you’ve recently taken to express your confidence in God’s promises and His love for you.


Maybe  David of the Bible can be our example of how to be in agreement with God. David, a man who so openly loved and exuded confidence in God, knew the power of speaking the Word of God. He said in Psalm 17:4, “…By the word of Your lips, I have kept away from the paths of the destroyer.” Similarly, we must speak the Word of God to keep us off of Satan’s paths that are lined with his burdens and devices of deception.  Most importantly, speaking the Word helps us to keep our eyes and mind focused on Jesus’ love for us, which enables us to agree with His plans and receive the victory over infertility or any other trying circumstance you may be facing today..

Be encouraged, speak the Word to increase your trust in God’s promises, and stay hope-filled!

7 thoughts on “Focus Friday – Confidence

  1. Thank you so much for this post! It came at the exact right time! I was speaking to my sister last night and we were talking about the difficult infertility journey my husband and I have been on for the past three years, and most recently, our financial struggle to pay for IVF. She said maybe all these obstacles were God’s way of telling us that this is not for us. I explained to her that I didn’t look at it like that…that I thought all these obstacles were Satan’s way of trying to get us to give up on what God has in store for us. But after I got off the phone with her, I kept thinking about what she said and began to doubt what I felt. I started thinking that maybe the fact that it is so hard for us to come up with the funds we need for the IVF really IS God’s way of saying no. How do I know???

    1. Shama, it’s great that you found this post helpful! To answer your question about how to know what God is directing you to do, may I encourage you to do something? Pray together with your husband, asking God for the specific wisdom about what to do…then be sure to listen for His still small voice. He may also direct you to a passage of Scripture that will bring enlightenment to your situation. Be confident that His answer will bring peace to your minds and spirits. Go with what gives you peace. I hope that helps! 🙂

  2. All of God’s promises are yes and amen, yes there are always doubts and failures, but God cannot lie concerning his promises when he said in Gen. 1:28 To be fruitful and multiply. He said it and it is impossible for him to lie so I believe it, spend time in his presence and you will see his goodness and faithfulness

  3. I know of these challenges personally. My husband and I struggled around 30 years ago to conceive. We never did, but I never gave up hope of helping others. I got my Master’s in Holistic Nutrition and took other courses to get Certified in order to help other couples. You see, when I was struggling to conceive, no on ever asked me about my lifestyle and my diet. I now know that there are many organs and hormones that are involved in the success of conception. However, regular medicine only looks briefly at a few of these hormones. Then, they put people on fertility drugs to “force” fertility. I am not bashing fertility drugs as I know that they have served people. I would just suggest looking deeper at what is causing the problem . . . what is the obstacle/imbalance in your life/body that needs to be restored? Let’s look at your body as a complete and whole gift from God where there are no boundaries between the different parts. But, where each part is communicating and talking with other parts. That is the balance I help couples restore. I believe that God is always at your side encouraging you to pursue your dreams of a family. He always leaves the choice up to us. Bless you as you travel this path!

  4. Confidence is the key to success. If you could use some help rebuilding your confidence, focus on how you can get more organized, re-energize your creativity, and become open to new ideas and processes.

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