Tag: crackers

communion crackers

5 of God’s Tools You Need to Use to Improve Your Health (Part 2)

Last week I started a series of posts about health. God’s desire is for believers to be healthy. I believe He has given us many tools to use so that we can enjoy living in good health. He gave them to us to use so that we can improve our health, increase our confidence in His love, and to take advantage of all that Jesus’ death and resurrection provided.

Here are 5 of His tools that can bring restoration to our health:

  1. His Word (The Bible)
  2. Communion
  3. Meditation
  4. Scriptural Affirmations
  5. Praying in Tongues

Today, we’ll focus on Communion.


Exodus 20:24 ESV states when we bring God to our remembrance, He will come and He will bless.

“In every place where I cause my name to be remembered I will come to you and bless you.”

Jesus instructed us to take communion in order to bring Him to our remembrance. This is not an instruction to do something “in memory of” Him, as we would a dead relative. Jesus is telling us to affectionately remember His love that benefitted us in our body, mind, and spirit. His death and resurrection were great acts of sacrifice and love. They were so powerful, they still bring us benefits today in the 21st century.

As you continue this walk of faith to overcome infertility or some other condition, consider taking communion at home as often as you think about it. Communion is not just a religious ritual that must be done within the confines of a church building. Nor is it required that a priest or a member of clergy always administer it. You can get your own crackers and juice and celebrate communion in your home. After all, the Last Supper took place upstairs in a home, not in a synagogue or church. Jesus said to celebrate communion often (1 Corinthians 11:25). He knew that as we frequently remember Him and His love for us, we enable His grace to empower us and bless us.

His Body Made the Difference

“Take, eat: this is My body which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of Me.” ~ 1 Corinthians 11:24

In Luke 22:19, Jesus said His body was “given” for you. That means He was delivering His body for your benefit and use. He presented Himself for you to literally take advantage of all that was in Him. Jesus took every sickness, disease, and “condition” onto his body so that we would not have to bear it. He gave us authority over all of that. He took the horrific beating on His body that satisfied the demand of us having to “live with” any form of being unhealthy (1 Peter 2:24). The Bible emphatically states that He has surely borne our sicknesses so we w be well. (Matthew 8:17).

Communion, taken in faith and not as a ritual, reminds us to see our sickness on His body, not ours. Taken often, communion reinforces the truth of His body bearing and taking away everything that comes to attack our bodies.

Need help with finding healing scriptures? Use the form below to request my free pamphlet, Speak the Word Over Your Physical and Mental Health.

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