Tag: f-word

FINISH–My Final F-Word for 2014


The word “finish” carries such a powerful meaning.  It implies completion of a task. It brings something to an end.

God the Father talked about how He finished things:

“Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail.” ~Genesis 2:1 MSG

What’s more, I am with you, and will protect you wherever you go, and will bring you back safely to this land; I will be with you constantly until I have finished giving you all I am promising.” ~Genesis 28:15 TLB

Jesus was the ultimate example of someone who knew how to FINISH things. He fulfilled His mission of showing love to all humanity and satisfying every requirement of the Law on our behalf. He did as the Father had asked Him to do– He brought grace and truth. Jesus said it Himself, “It is finished” (John 19:30). Because He finished strong, the salvation process is complete, once and for all.

And now, Holy Spirit lives within every believer so that we too can fulfill our God-given mission and finish strong.

For the last half of 2014, I’ve been concentrating on one F-word each month. It all began in December 2013 when I felt as if I wasn’t focused enough on important things so that I could finish them. I attended a retreat in January 2014 where I realized there was an F-word I needed to eliminate from my life: FEAR. This retreat helped me to key in on the things that mattered most to me and to know that I was already empowered by God to “get ‘er done.” One of the exercises at the retreat was to write a word on a smooth stone that reflected what I wanted to do in 2014. My word was “FINISH.” I wanted to finish strong in 2014!









During the first six months of 2014, as I worked to eliminate the fear, I was able to FINISH a huge goal– plan and host a retreat for women who were struggling with infertility. The retreat resulted in establishing a relationship with one of the attendees that has been such a blessing because she is now pregnant! As a result of her pregnancy, I am now writing a book specifically crafted for women who have overcome infertility. There’s a difference in the experience in the overcomer’s pregnancy versus that of other women who did not have that struggle. This book will provide the encouragement needed to stay focused on God’s words of love and to FINISH the pregnancy. I’m so glad that I finished hosting the fertility retreat and am moving forward in finishing the book.

As I’ve done in previous months, I wrote my thoughts about this month’s F-word on an index card so I can keep it in front of me on my desk:

F-Words--FinishSo as 2014 draws to a close, I’m thankful for all that God has brought me through this year and empowered me to finish. I’ll host another fertility retreat in May 2015  (I hope you’ll join me) because I’m even more confident that when He gives us a vision, He also gives us the provision to FINISH.

What is one thing for which you need His provision in order to finish strong?


Intentional :: It’s Not an F-Word But It Works For Me

For the month of November, I’m being intentional about having FUN!

F-words FUN

FUN is this month’s F-word in my 2014 F-word challenge.

I’ve found as I’ve gotten more intentional about these F-words, something has shifted (for the better).

As I have weaved my way through this challenge over the past four months, it’s clear that:

  • Fellowshipping with God and acknowledging His presence frequently throughout each day
  • Focusing on Jesus’ love for me instead of my problems
  • Following through on things that I promised myself and others (that’s called integrity) AND expecting God to follow through on His promises as well
  • Flowing with Holy Spirit by being in synch with Him and allowing His desires for my life to shape my desires and therefore my actions

have all provided an environment where FUN can now thrive in my life. Weird huh?

The FUN started flowing right on 11/1/14 and hasn’t stopped yet. Each day, there has been some opportunity for me to have fun (I actually started tracking it). I’m loving it! I also see how I’m enjoying stretching myself in ways that I would not have enjoyed at the beginning of 2014. I’m finding that FUN is coming a lot easier than it used to. It’s coming at times and in places where I wasn’t looking for it and it’s happening more intensely in the places where I would expect it.

NOTE: A Word about my personality– I’m somewhat serious. There have been a few times when my kids and husband have called me a “fun-sucker” because I’ve killed the fun instead of enjoying it. So this month is HUGE for me! 🙂

Joy and Fun DancingFor instance, this past weekend, I attended a conference that I knew would help me with my financial mindset. My expectation of it was that it would be B-O-R-I-N-G some of the time. But it wasn’t! Even though it was a 3-day intensive workshop, there were fun activities interspersed throughout the day. One of the activities was to allow attendees to come up on stage and dance at the beginning of each morning, afternoon, and evening session. When I got home Saturday night, I made up my mind to have some FUN by running up on the stage and be one of the dancers for the Sunday morning session. I did it, along with ~20 other attendees, most of whom could surprisingly stay on the beat! 🙂 It was a challenge for me since I’m usually the one who observes the FUN rather than participating in it. But this time, I was in the groove, literally.

This week is already packed with activities to have FUN with 3 friends– a new one, an old one that I haven’t seen in a while, and one who I’ve yet to get to know very well. My point is that when I got intentional about doing a few things (all the F-words), it created an environment of overflow that required no effort from me, other than being available and open to receive.

Kinda like God’s grace, don’t you think?

Would you like to take the F-word challenge? Maybe this would be a good way for you to start 2015. Let me know if you’re open to seeing what your intentionality will look like.

Photo courtesy of Vectorgirl | Fotolia

Flowing in the Flow – An Update on October’s F-Word

My "F-word" Rocks
My “F-word” Rocks


As October is coming to an end, being in the FLOW has brought challenges, victories and a few surprises.

The FLOW is what I consider as being in synch with the Holy Spirit.

Since I started this F-Word challenge in July 2014, I understand better how hearing from Him is a result of “Fellowship” with Him (1 Corinthians 1:9). Fellowshipping was sometimes (surprisingly) a challenge. There were other things that I wanted to do at the moment that my phone alarm beeped to remind to take a P.I.T. stop and focus on Jesus for (a mere) 60 seconds.

I see the resultant rest that comes from my “Focus” being on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). When I look to Him instead of the negative circumstances surrounding me, life is so much better! I’m less stressed. I see His acceptance of me; I’m more confident of it.  My words about my situation change because I trust Him more. I’m also more grateful.

My productivity has gotten better because of the “Follow Through” that I commit to His instructions (John 15:5). I released some things that I thought for sure I needed to do, but through Fellowship and Focus I was convinced otherwise. I found that I was enjoying doing the Follow Through because I knew that I was headed toward the target that He had set for me (rather than my own). I also found that I experienced more of God’s strength and power in all the “next steps” I needed to take.

My point is that I’m seeing how each of these steps in my F-Word process is tied to one another. And when I’m Fellowshipping with Jesus, Focused on His love for me, and Following Through on His plan for me, I get to FLOW with ease!

I think all of this is building up to make November FUN for me! 🙂

Flow — My F-Word for October


It’s already the ninth day of October! Time is flying fast so here’s my F-Word of the month:

F-words  FLOW

Flow is defined as “to proceed continuously and smoothly.”

[Source: Dictionary.com]

I don’t want to be stagnant–I want to flow! I want to flow with Holy Spirit’s intentions for my life on a daily basis. I want to have a smooth ride in living with His comfort, guidance, and counsel. I want His grace to flow to me unhindered. I want my words to agree and flow with His words so that the manifestation of His plan matches my plan. 

FLOW - stream by Evgeni DinevHere are some scriptures that relate to flowing with Him:

Luke 1:50 (MSG)

His mercy flows in wave after wave on those who are in awe before him.”

Isaiah 48:16-18 (MSG)

“I am God, your God, who teaches you how to live right and well.
I show you what to do, where to go.
If you had listened all along to what I told you, your life would have flowed full like a river, blessings rolling in like waves from the sea.
Children and grandchildren are like sand, your progeny like grains of sand.
There would be no end of them, no danger of losing touch with me.”

Luke 6:45 (NLT)

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart … What you say flows from what is in your heart.”

Read about my previous monthly F-words for July – September:

July: Thanks to F-words, I’ll Be Rockin’ It For the Rest of 2014

August: Focus–My “F-Word” for August

September: Follow Through–My F-Word for September




More on Follow Through

Follow thru rockEarlier this month, I shared that I want to follow through on the things I need to do, for myself, my family and for you. This is a component of my effort to finish strong in 2014.

September is more than half over so I thought I’d let you know how things are going for me.


follow through- Falcon CrestI followed through on surprising my husband for his birthday with a trip to the cool pines of Payson, AZ for a weekend. He loved it! It was worth the torment of wanting to tell him all about the plans I was making but not being able to so that I could wake him up and say, “Pack a bag! I’m taking you away for the weekend.” It was our first time staying at a Bed & Breakfast. The Falcon Crest B&B was wonderful and the owners, Al and Linda, made it a very special time for us with their hospitality. As you can see, Linda baked a birthday cake for him!


Another big item that I needed to get done in September was my iHope Fertility Game Plan Teleseminar. I hosted the call on last Saturday. It was thrilling that over 35 people signed up for the call! If you were one of those ladies, I hope you got lots of encouragement.

On that call, I invited everyone to checkout my new online course, 50 Days of Unleashing Fertility Hope. To get the details about your opportunity to decrease the stress of infertility and increase your hope, click HERE.

Planning this course has been a joy for me because I know that it will help those who choose to use it.

50 Days of Unleashing Fertility Hope

I hope that you’ll see the benefit of taking advantage of this opportunity to:

  • Decrease the level of stress you experience everyday using specific tools I’ll share
  • Incorporate a daily strategy that can help you put worry on the run
  • Remove doubt caused by infertility’s mind-chatter
  • Anchor yourself in hope so you don’t give up
  • Focus on receiving the promised benefits of God

I’m SO glad I followed through on this desire to bring a course to you that you can access 24/7 AND have the opportunity to have weekly coaching calls.

Check it out


Right now, I’m about to follow through on getting a few smaller things checked off of my To Do list (like washing the dishes). 🙂

Praying that you’ve been able to do some follow through, especially on things that are important to you.

On what one thing that you still need to follow through?

Follow Through–My F-Word for September

Two months ago, I shared with you that there were certain F-words that I would use to help me finish strong in 2014.

In July, my F-word was Fellowship. My goal was to increase my commitment to fellowship and communicate with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to influence my life on a daily basis. I wanted to build upon my relationship with Him and enjoy Him more.

In August, my F-word was Focus. My goal was to decrease the level of attention I gave to the distractions of life and to increase my attention to the benefits that come as a result of “looking to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). Distractions serve one purpose —  to divert your attention from what and who you really need.

Now that it’s September,  my F-Word will be Follow Through. My intention is to follow through on the goals I’ve set. I’ve decided to look at my goals as promises I’ve made to myself  rather than just a wish on paper. I don’t like to break a promise so this little tweak should help me get the follow through done. I also want to follow through on whatever Holy Spirit gently whispers to me to do each day, trusting that His way is the best way.

Follow Through - F-word
My F-word card for September

I write these F-word cards and keep the current month’s card on my desk so that I’ll remember what the target is. This also helps me to remain committed to the process!

My two key scriptures for this month are:

 “ Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. Think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.”

Proverbs 3:5,6 RSV and HCSB


“Commit your actions to the LORDand your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 NLT

What are some things you do that help you follow through and live with integrity? How does trusting God play a role in your follow through?

Sharing my F-word journey/experiment with you really gives me a sense of accountability, which most times, spurs me on to action. So thanks for holding me accountable to “follow through” this month!

Some of you found it helpful to join me in August and challenged yourself to FOCUS. It would be much appreciated (and motivating to me) if you’d leave a comment about how that went for you.

If you haven’t already, I’d love it if you would  join me in this challenge of following through on what you’ve committed to do or on what would bring about a blessing in your life. Just make a decision to do so (which means cutting off all other options and excuses). Then, let me know you’ve joined the movement (below).

Yes, I’m joining the F-word movement!

Focus–My “F-Word” for August

My "F-word" Rocks
My “F-word” Rocks

Focus: to concentrate; to have a central point of attraction, attention, or activity.

Half of August is officially over. Time for an update on this month’s “F-word” — FOCUS.

I’ve developed the habit going to my special chair every morning soon after I awaken to sit and read a devotional and my Bible. I recently finished Encouragement for Today by Renee Swope and the Proverbs 31 Ministry Team (I highly recommend it). Some word or phrase will usually jump out at me while I’m reading and I’ll spend time finding other scripture passages that broaden my understanding. I feel my best when my day starts focused on the Word. And so I should; after all, the Word is Jesus, right?

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  ~ John 1:1

During these first two weeks of August, there have been days when I’ve seen all the benefits that come from being focused. My To Do List gets whittled down quickly, I’m less stressed, and feel better about myself and what I’m accomplishing. Taking steps toward my goals is getting easier. I feel less burdened and more joyful throughout the day.

F-word, Focus

There have also been a few days when I’ve gone to bed feeling like I haven’t focused on anything at all–work–family–marriage–my health (exercise)—ANYTHING. It seems as if my To Do List has gone virtually unchecked. I’ll ask myself, “What did I do with my time today???!!!” I shouldn’t beat myself up about it. Those are the moments when I should shift my focus back to Jesus’ love for me.

I prod myself to ask Him to be my time and task manager for the next day— to guide my decision-making so I can do what HE needs me to do in my marriage, family, work, etc.  Those days that I make that request are always more productive. 🙂

Here’s what I’ve learned: DISTRACTIONS are the enemy of focus.

When I purposely ignore the distractions and keep my eyes on Jesus, when I look to Him to show me the way throughout my day, I am more productive, less stressed, and live with a more hope-filled focus.

Thanks to all of you who let me know last month that you’re taking this F-Word challenge with me. Let’s see how things improve the rest of this month as we focus and allow Jesus to be at the center of what we do each day.

Here are a few affirmations crafted from passages from the Message Bible about focus that I hope will help you direct your attention to the One who is ultimately able and willing to help you in every situation you’re facing every day.

  • “Give me an uncluttered and focused heart so that I can obey what you tell me and live by Your directions and counsel.” ~ 1 Chronicles 21:19
  • “I shift my focus  from what I do to what Jesus has already done for me.” ~ Romans 3:31
  • “I quit focusing on the handicap/challenge/trouble and begin appreciating and using Your gift of grace.” ~ 2 Corinthians 12:6-8