Tag: infertility prayer

Battling Infertility? Here’s an Effective Scripture-Based Prayer

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have already been given the victory over everything the devil can throw at you… even if you’re battling infertility. In Him, you’ve been redeemed and made a partner to the biggest winner of all time! Prayer is a means of accessing the victory.

How do you pray? Have your prayers been filled with words of defeat, self-pity, and unbelief? Or do you pray with confidence that God’s promises of victory are for YOU?

Battling Infertility with Prayer

Here’s a prayer that can galvanize you in the belief that you are a victor and not a victim:

Prayer - Battling InfertilityFather, I’m Your child and I stand in the truth of your Word. I am in covenant with You and an heir to all your blessings. My spouse and I desire to have a baby. I stand on Your Word, with expectancy and thanksgiving, that  I receive that special gift from You. In the authority I have in Jesus, I speak to the “mountain” of infertility, “Be dried up at the root, never to affect our bodies again.”

We are redeemed from the curse. I believe that my womb is blessed and is a safe environment for our baby to grow. We look to experience a beautiful pregnancy, with no suffering during it.  Our expectation is a safe delivery that goes smoothly and quickly.

Thank You Father, for loving me.

Thanks for answering this prayer for the precious child you have created specifically for us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

[Scripture references: Galatians 3:26, 29; Ephesians 2:4-6; Philippians 4:6; Mark 11:12-14, 20-24]

Coach’s Corner:

Here are a 3 questions to ponder. I encourage you to write the answers in your journal (or start one if you don’t have one!) .

  • How satisfied am I about my current level of expectancy and joy?
  • What does God’s Word say about expecting Him to come through on His promises?
  • How can I more effectively “speak to the mountain” of infertility using God’s Word?

If you’d like more encouragement and insight so that you more fully address the spiritual aspect of infertility, contact me to see if personal coaching might be of benefit to you. I’d love to talk with you about it!  🙂  #iHopeCoaching



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