Tag: intentional

Intentional :: It’s Not an F-Word But It Works For Me

For the month of November, I’m being intentional about having FUN!

F-words FUN

FUN is this month’s F-word in my 2014 F-word challenge.

I’ve found as I’ve gotten more intentional about these F-words, something has shifted (for the better).

As I have weaved my way through this challenge over the past four months, it’s clear that:

  • Fellowshipping with God and acknowledging His presence frequently throughout each day
  • Focusing on Jesus’ love for me instead of my problems
  • Following through on things that I promised myself and others (that’s called integrity) AND expecting God to follow through on His promises as well
  • Flowing with Holy Spirit by being in synch with Him and allowing His desires for my life to shape my desires and therefore my actions

have all provided an environment where FUN can now thrive in my life. Weird huh?

The FUN started flowing right on 11/1/14 and hasn’t stopped yet. Each day, there has been some opportunity for me to have fun (I actually started tracking it). I’m loving it! I also see how I’m enjoying stretching myself in ways that I would not have enjoyed at the beginning of 2014. I’m finding that FUN is coming a lot easier than it used to. It’s coming at times and in places where I wasn’t looking for it and it’s happening more intensely in the places where I would expect it.

NOTE: A Word about my personality– I’m somewhat serious. There have been a few times when my kids and husband have called me a “fun-sucker” because I’ve killed the fun instead of enjoying it. So this month is HUGE for me! 🙂

Joy and Fun DancingFor instance, this past weekend, I attended a conference that I knew would help me with my financial mindset. My expectation of it was that it would be B-O-R-I-N-G some of the time. But it wasn’t! Even though it was a 3-day intensive workshop, there were fun activities interspersed throughout the day. One of the activities was to allow attendees to come up on stage and dance at the beginning of each morning, afternoon, and evening session. When I got home Saturday night, I made up my mind to have some FUN by running up on the stage and be one of the dancers for the Sunday morning session. I did it, along with ~20 other attendees, most of whom could surprisingly stay on the beat! 🙂 It was a challenge for me since I’m usually the one who observes the FUN rather than participating in it. But this time, I was in the groove, literally.

This week is already packed with activities to have FUN with 3 friends– a new one, an old one that I haven’t seen in a while, and one who I’ve yet to get to know very well. My point is that when I got intentional about doing a few things (all the F-words), it created an environment of overflow that required no effort from me, other than being available and open to receive.

Kinda like God’s grace, don’t you think?

Would you like to take the F-word challenge? Maybe this would be a good way for you to start 2015. Let me know if you’re open to seeing what your intentionality will look like.

Photo courtesy of Vectorgirl | Fotolia