Tag: relax

Roller Coaster

roller coaster  by ponsulakEveryone on a roller coaster is going to the same destination. However, not everyone will get off the ride with smiles on their faces. Everyone won’t  have the same experience.

Some will become afraid as soon as they sit down in the seat. The safety bar being latched in place doesn’t make them feel any better. Their fear keeps them from enjoying the ride. They never want to try it again.

Others will sit relaxed, with great anticipation of an exhilarating ride. They likely will do this many times.

Life is a lot like that.

We all are going to the same destination. We can choose to enjoy getting there by resting in Jesus’ love and His power and enjoy life knowing that we’re in His care, or we can choose to be fearful of the dips and peaks ahead and live a life filled with worry and anxiety.

Which do you choose?


Tired of the roller coaster of infertility? "Rest and Receive" at The Retreat.


Image courtesy of Ponsulak | Free Digital Photos