Tag: The Goddess of Fertility

The Goddess of Fertility and Me

I know what you’re thinking…Goddess of Fertility??? Before you think I’ve really lost it, let me introduce you to a new friend I met as I was preparing for the National Infertility Awareness Week, #NIAW.

Donna McIntoshRecently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Donna McIntosh, the Goddess of Fertility. Donna, who personally experienced infertility, has made it her mission to help couples understand the role NUTRITION plays in overcoming infertility. She holds a Master’s in Holistic Nutrition and has a background in massage therapy. Donna believes that sub-optimal fertility is often related to sub-optimal health. She seeks to empower both women and men to positively influence their fertility with their food and lifestyle choices. She also acknowledges the spiritual aspect of infertility.

Donna’s individualized services and programs are all virtual –  meaning it doesn’t matter where a client lives.  She consults via computer and phone, either individually or in groups. She has worked with people in many U.S. cities as well as in London, England. Donna also works as a consultant with various IVF clinics in southern California. Take a look at her free report available on her website at The Goddess of Fertility.com.

I hope you’ll enjoy our interview where she explains how she got the name “Goddess of Fertility” and shares some specific tips that may help you.


DISCLAIMER: The opinions and statistics stated by Donna McIntosh are not expressly endorsed by Evangeline Colbert. Consult your medical professional.