Tag: trust in God

Trial of Faith

How Do You Handle a Troublesome Trial of Faith?

We all endure a trial of faith from time to time. Some last longer than others. Some are more severe than others. But they ALL challenge us in how we see God as a loving Father and the level of trust that we’re willing to put into His love.

Trial of Faith

Today, I simply want to share a quote from George Mueller, a man who stands as an example of how to unequivocally trust God:

“Now when the trial of faith comes, we are naturally inclined to distrust God, and to trust rather in ourselves, or in our friends, or in circumstances. We will rather work a deliverance of our own somehow or other, than simply look to God and wait for His help. But if we do not patiently wait for God’s help, if we work a deliverance of our own, then at the next trial of our faith it will be thus again, we shall be again inclined to deliver ourselves; and thus with every fresh instance of that kind, our faith will decrease.

Whilst on the contrary, were we to stand still, in order to see the salvation of God, to see His hand stretched out on our behalf, trusting in Him alone, then our faith would be increased, and with every fresh case in which the hand of God is stretched out on our behalf in the hour of the trial of our faith, our faith would be increased yet more.”

This challenges me to look at how I handle troubling circumstances in my life and encourages me to make an honest assessment of the level of trust I place in God’s love for me.

How does Georg Mueller’s quote challenge or encourage you?

Trust or Doubt?

TRUST. It’s something with which we all have issues.

Here are my notes from my time with God this morning. I hope you find them encouraging!

Doubt is the consequence of distance.

Doubt arises and increases when we have distanced ourselves from the Word. [Remember, Jesus IS the Word.]

Doubt infiltrates our mind and circumstances. It reduces our trust in God because we’ve been distracted from His promises.

Doubt is our automatic response when we don’t look to Jesus’ love for us.


Trust is the consequence of closeness.

Trust is the result of increasingly drawing nearer to God through His Word.

Trust infiltrates our mind and our circumstances. It erases doubt when we focus on Jesus, and are consistent in verbally  affirming God’s promises.

Trust is our automatic response when we continue looking to Jesus in the Word and acknowledging His love for us.


What do you do to be more aware of God’s love for you? Please share your ideas/strategies below.


Trust in God
Tulip photo courtesy of Fotolia


Supernatural Truth

Supernatural Truth. Is there such a thing? The Bible says there is:

“Your word is truth.” John 17:17 [NKJV]

“Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63 [NLT]

God’s Word in the Bible is Supernatural Truth. It is eternal and unchanging. God gave us His Truth so we can use it. We are free to use it to bring life and light to our circumstances that seem to be filled with nothing but endless darkness. We use His Word  by believing and speaking it. 

We are enabled by His Truth when we wield it as a sword, using it as an offensive weapon in our struggles [Ephesians 6:17]. God promised that when we believe and speak His Word it would produce prosperous results [Isaiah 55:11]. By believing and speaking His Word, we are speaking words that are empowering, life-giving and situation-changing. Believing and repeatedly speaking His Word brings the essence of HOPE and LIFE to our lives.

Does the struggle with infertility weigh heavily in your life? It did in mine. Believing and speaking the Word help me to become an overcomer in that struggle. I want to encourage you:

Trust in the power of God’s love for you which is embedded in His promises in the Bible.

Believe in the unfailing power of His Word [” Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises he gave…” ~ 1 Kings 8:56 {NLT}].

Bring life to your situation of barrenness by using God’s Word to tap into His good plan for your life.

Confidently trust the power of Supernatural Truth!