Tag: victory

David and Goliath

David and Goliath from a 2020 Perspective

It’s a privilege to share a blog post from Cecil Brown, Jr., my cousin. He was telling me about some insights he had unexpectedly gotten from a Biblical story that he had heard many times since he was a child. His experience was so relatable in how we pick up new points from old stories. I hope it will encourage you to remain open to receiving new insights and more confidence as you read, study, and meditate on God’s Word.


Have you ever re-read a book or re-watched a movie you hadn’t experienced in 5, 10, 20 years only to have a completely new experience with it?  That’s what happened when my spiritual coach suggested I re-read David and Goliath. It is one of the earliest stories I remember from Sunday School. Little guy beats much larger opponent. It’s likely the foundation underdog story in western culture and is unconsciously retold through countless TV shows, movies, songs, and novels. However, it’s also one of those stories that we often gloss over because “I know this already.” I had some surprising takeaways reading this as an adult. A few observations are laid out below.  My observations are by no means original, but I was surprised by how much of the story I had missed all those many years ago.

David didn’t come to fight, he came to bring lunch.

We often find ourselves called to complete small tasks. We may even find ourselves resenting the small tasks, “How did this end up on my plate?” But being faithful to his assigned duties allowed David to be in the right place at the right time. He was able to take on a much larger challenge. The same can be applied to us.

While soldiers responded fearfully, David (a shepherd) was curious.

“What could be in it for me?” There’s a boldness to this way of thinking that could benefit us in everyday life. Thankfully, in modern times there are no 9-foot brutes for us to dispense with. But life is full of tasks that seem insurmountable that with the proper reframing could be seen as opportunities.

Your biggest opposition can come from those closest to you.

In this case, the opposition came from his older brother, Eliab. When attempting something grand (or even mundane), expect that people (perhaps even someone dear to you) will take issue with the goal you’ve set. You may be shining a light on their inability or unwillingness to take on the task themselves. We should learn to accept objections and criticisms as normal and be undeterred by them.

He had a reference point from prior successes.

The heroic actions undertaken were not those of a complete novice. David had honed his skills over many years, having killed both a lion and a bear in the course of his shepherd duties. However, Goliath presented a challenge far greater than any previously faced. David had developed skills and honed his craft but skill development would only take him so far. By giving honor and praise to God for prior victories, he was infused with confidence that God would deliver him through this as well. It was his faith in God’s ability to move through him, that allowed courage to take him over rather than fear.

My challenge to the reader is to revisit what you already think you know about God’s wisdom. There may be some hidden treasure in it for you.

-Cecil Brown, Jr.

giving up

When You Feel Like Giving Up

The enemy would like nothing better than for us to give up on our God-given desires and goals.

When we feel like God is not following through on His promises…

When we don’t see the results we anticipated…

We need a plan. A plan that we can count on to pull us through the tears, the fears, and the dread that comes when we experience delay. I think the best plan for maintaining hope and for changing any circumstance in our lives always needs to include the power of God’s Word. The Word is what helps us remember that the God of the universe loves us without fail and is always on our side. The Bible makes it clear that God loves us with a no-matter-what love. Incorporating His promises into our plan makes it an effective battle plan so that we maintain hope and strongly resist giving up.

The Alternative to Giving Up

David encouraged himself when he was on the verge of giving up (1 Samuel 30:6).  You could do the same, couldn’t you?

Here are 4 examples from Scripture that you can use as a part of your battle plan to ultimately live as the victor God created you to be. Use them to keep yourself encouraged about experiencing what God has promised:

  • “But as for you, be strong and do not give up.” – 2 Chronicles 15:7

  • “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial.” – James 1:12

  • “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” – Mark 10:27

  • “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then.” – Ephesians 6:12-14

What other scriptures would you add to this list? Please share one in the comments! 🙂 

The Word is what helps us remember that the God of the universe is on our side and loves us with a no-matter-what love. It makes our plan into an effective battle plan so that we maintain hope and strongly resist giving up. Click To Tweet
overcoming infertility

My Story of Victory Over Infertility – Part 1

Since I started coaching women about how to enhance their fertility, many of them have shared with me that hearing the stories of women who have overcome infertility markedly increases their hope. Today, I’d like to share my story.

My Story of Victory over Infertility

I struggled with “unknown factors” of infertility. I was in my late 20’s when we started “trying” so my age really wasn’t a factor. There was never a firm diagnosis that specifically confirmed why I was not getting pregnant. I did however have a gynecologist tell me that I may never get pregnant. That was devastating news.

As a woman, I felt inadequate. I couldn’t do the ONE thing that women can do that men can’t—get pregnant. At times, I felt as if people pitied me, even though they did not. Sometimes I felt like an outcast, even though my friends welcomed me in their activities. But that was the painful part.

Having reached the age where all my close friends had children meant being around their kids whenever I attended any of their activities. I loved their children and had fun with them. But I felt out of place not having a child of my own playing along with all the others. I remember trying to convince myself that it was OK…but it wasn’t! It hurt!

I went through a battery of tests to determine why I was not getting pregnant. None of the tests produced conclusive results. I did have fibroids and as a result, had very heavy periods. There were also D&C surgeries and infections to live through. Going through the journey of infertility and all that comes along with it was not what I had signed up for in my “perfect” life.

I Couldn’t Give Up or Give In

But I decided that it was not going to give authority to infertility and allow it to be a source of depression nor a reason to become a hermit. I would choose to enjoy life as it came and to do whatever it took to make the best of each day.

Doctor’s reports were a source of frustration but God’s report in the Bible was my source of hope. Choosing to stand on God’s Word was an easy choice; actually doing it was not. It was a battle against my will, which wanted to do the easy thing and give up.

Making a stand for anything requires that you fight back against numerous attacks, not just one. I had to do just that- –fight against numerous thoughts that were fearful, doubtful, and shame-filled everyday. Yes, I was ashamed that I could not get pregnant. No one else made me feel that way. It was self-inflicted.

#ttc - I was ashamed that I could not get pregnant. No one else made me feel that way. It was self-inflicted. Click To Tweet

Isn’t it amazing what our own mind can do to inflict emotional pain on ourselves? The Word of God was my way out of that inner turmoil. I decided to keep “trying” no matter how long it took and watch God work it out.

Thankfully, God gave me wisdom through various friends and family members. They each encouraged me to keep my hope high and to not give in to the fear of never having children.

For the rest of the story, read Part 2 of my story of victory over infertility. 🙂

how you see yourself

How Do You See Yourself– As Victim or Victor?

Our circumstances can influence how we see ourselves…maybe we let them have too much influence. Often, we’re a beautiful swan but we think of ourselves as an ugly duckling.

So many times I’ve heard women say things about themselves that were self-denigrating. It’s a clear indicator of how they see themselves and what they believe about themselves (Matthew 12:34). However, it doesn’t align with how others see them. And it definitely doesn’t align with how God sees them.

“For whatever is in your heart determines what you say.”

How about you? Do you see yourself the way God sees you?

Do you see yourself as a victim of your circumstances or do you choose to take the viewpoint of a victor?

If you’re unsure, maybe these simple questions can help:

  • How well do I receive compliments?
  • What do I say about myself in my quiet thoughts?
  • How do I respond to negative thoughts that arise in my mind?

God values you and loves you immensely. He created you to live the life of a victor. That requires a thought-life that is intentionally positive. One that resists negativity and is full of gratitude. Out of love, Jesus came and gave His life for you so that you could enjoy life and live it in overflowing abundance (John 10:10-11).

So I ask again, do you see yourself the way God sees you? He sees you as a victor. If that’s not your self-vision, what’s holding you back from doing so?

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”

Victories :: Guest Post

In conjunction with the release of my book, Live To Win! 5 Essentials for Victory and Success, I’m excited to have provided a series of guest posts over the last few weeks. These folks are special to me, having coached me in one way or another to achieve my career goals and experience victories at various times and in various areas of my life.

Today’s guest post is the final installment in this series. I’m pleased to share with you the insights from Shelly Ryan. She is a certified life coach who helps people dig into their dreams and take action to make them happen. She helped me to take action and host my first iHope Fertility Retreat. Shelly has experienced many victories in life and shares a few of them with us.

Victories in This Game Called LIFE

When I received my “Thank You for Working for the Federal Government for Five Years” certificate it felt like a slap in the face. I know some people would be thrilled having a comfortable federal job with a Thrifty Savings Plan account, but for me, it felt like a death sentence. I was working long hours, had no work/life balance, was extremely unhealthy and had to drag myself into work every day. I was completely caught up in the hamster wheel…wake up, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to sleep, repeat. I felt unhappy for a while, but my discontent was not strong enough for me to do anything about it. When I read that certificate, I knew it was time to take action.

So I quit! I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that to everyone, but for me, I needed to slow down and figure out what was important and I knew I couldn’t do that while I was still working at that job. It took me a few months to figure it out, but once I did, I haven’t looked back even once.

It hasn’t always been easy, but taking that leap of faith ten years ago has led to so many victories. Here are some of my favorites.

I Love My Work

When I was figuring out what was next for me, I spent time getting really clear about my gifts, talents, passions and values. Prior to that, I applied for jobs that had position descriptions that I thought I was qualified for and found myself fitting into those criteria. I honed some valuable skills and learned a ton along the way, but never did I have a job that fully utilized my true gifts and talents. Nor did I ever work for anyone that was terribly concerned with helping me figure out what those were and how to best utilize them. Once I took the time to figure out what was important to me, I have been able to choose work that is in alignment with my true self and I fully enjoy all of the work that I do!

Victories-Shelly RyanI Increased My Faith

Since I made the decision to become an entrepreneur, I gave up the comfort of a paycheck every other week. That decision brought up a lot of insecurities – can I pay my bills this month; do I have enough money to do the things I want to do; can I give what I want to give; will I have enough to retire? These are all things I worried about even when I had a regular paycheck and were exacerbated when I didn’t. What has been truly amazing is that during these ten years, I have always had enough. I’ve developed a new belief and reliance on God that He will take care of me no matter what. When one project started to get really slow, another would develop. When my savings started to drop, a new opportunity would appear. I tell my clients regularly that you have to be very clear about WHAT you want and leave HOW it will happen up to God. That has become my practice.

I Understand My Worth

I finally learned how to love me. Even though it sounds cliché and that we should all know that, I honestly didn’t know what that meant. I was very reliant on the input I got from my bosses and colleagues to understand my worth. If I got a good performance review, I felt good about myself. If someone asked me to take on a new project, that made me feel needed. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why I was working so many long hours…I produced because I wanted to get accolades to feel better about myself and because I produced, more was given to me. It’s not that feedback and input isn’t important to me now, but I understand that it is just that—feedback. It isn’t me. It isn’t what makes me valuable or worthy. I still produce, but for very different reasons.

I Take Care of Myself

I would never think of missing a 10:00 staff meeting, but I can’t tell you how many times I put a 6:00 workout on my calendar and it would get pushed because of either being too tired, or I had to finish a project. My priorities have most definitely changed since I made that decision ten years ago. I now exercise regularly doing things I never even dreamed of before — hiking, yoga, stand up paddle boarding, meditation and boxing. I’ve learned to eat healthy (green drinks, gluten-free, reduced sugar—seriously???). I take quarterly rejuvenation adventures (just got back from a yoga/meditation retreat in Oregon this quarter and went to Africa last quarter.) And I make a solid effort to get eight hours of sleep every night (in spite of much teasing from my friends that I go to bed at 7:00 pm!) All of these things were nearly foreign to me just a few years ago but are now a part of who I am.

These last ten years have been an adventure for sure! I’ve gotten to travel all across the world, open my heart up for love, care for my father during his battle with cancer…all of these opportunities opened up for me when I decided to take action and make a change. Loving what I do, increasing my faith, understanding my worth and taking care of myself are some of my victories as a result of that change. I can’t wait to see what the next ten+ years have in store for me! 🙂

Victory in life-Shelly Ryan




Sticky Note Thought – Blessings from The Blesser

What blessings do you need from God today?

Remember, He loves you and desires that you receive and experience His best blessings in real-time every day! As a believer in Jesus, He has given you the right to pray, believe, and expect His promised results.


Blessings from the Blesser


Background Image courtesy of Boykung | FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Sometimes You Have to S-t-r-e-t-c-h Your Faith for Victory :: Guest Post

In conjunction with the release of my book, Live To Win! 5 Essentials for Victory and Success, I’m excited to provide a series of guest posts over the next few weeks. These folks are special to me, having coached me in one way or another to achieve my career goals and experience victories at various times and in various areas of my life.

Today, I’m pleased to share with you the insights from my friend, Kendra Tillman. She encourages women who work from home to apply spiritual principles in order to grow their career. She helped me to stretch my faith and rely on God as I launched out as an author and speaker. Keeping the faith is a way of life that Kendra espouses no matter the challenge or difficulty.

When Victory Feels Out of Your Reach

Live to win - FaithI love to read Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11 chronicles what is referred to as the Faith Hall of Fame. It’s the Who’s Who of the faithful, the persistent, the imperfect, yet, still strong in faith. The lives of Noah, Abraham and Sarah and Moses are all detailed in the Old Testament. Hebrews 11 briefly shares their stories and the stories of several other ordinary men and women who wrestled with the same fears, insecurities and uncertainties we all face.

Do you know the one thing the Bible says all these men and women had in common? In Hebrews 11:13 we are told that “all these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it.” They all died…in faith. They were in faith that what God promised He would do. Yet, they died without seeing the promise fulfilled. In this chapter we are assured we are in good company, when we feel we haven’t received an answer to every prayer we’ve prayed.

Even though they didn’t see the promise fulfilled when they expected, they still believed.

How many days, weeks, months, years have passed since God has spoken a promise to your heart? Has the length of time caused you to waver in believing it will happen? I pray this post will stir your faith.

If we keep reading in Hebrews, God drops another nudge to our faith at the very beginning of Hebrews 12. “We are surrounded by a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith.” Have you ever been to a race? One of the best things about races is the crowd of family and friends that gather along the race route to cheer on the runners. They hold up signs. They yell encouragement. It’s wonderful!

Hebrews 12 tells us there’s a similar crowd that gathers for us in this race of faith that we run. These witnesses are not only the men and women mentioned in Hebrews 11, but all the men and women of faith who’ve lived since. They are waiting to see you cross the finish line. They are there to watch you win! The interesting thing is winning might look different than you expected.

No matter what you are facing today you are destined to win in the race of faith! Your victory may not look like mine and it may not even look like what you imagined, but you will win. I John 5:4 tells us that we receive victory through our faith. This is a promise from God’s word – our faith gives us the victory over the difficulties we experience in this world.

What promise from God seems distant or impossible for you? Surround yourself with people who want to see you win. Strengthen your faith by meditating on faith stories of men and women who persevered in faith. Stretch your faith beyond what feels possible.


Victory -Kendra TillmanKendra Tillman is the founder of StrongerThanYouThink.co, a growing movement that energizes working women with resources for making their personal, professional, and spiritual growth a priority. She is also the author of You’re Stronger than You Think.

Victory Over Career Boredom and Being Stuck :: Guest Post

In conjunction with the release of my book, Live To Win! 5 Essentials for Victory and Success, I’m excited to provide a series of guest posts over the next few weeks. These folks are special to me, having coached me in one way or another to achieve my career goals and experience victories at various times and in various areas of my life.

Today, I’m pleased to share with you the insights from Ellen Violette, The Ebook Coach. She’s helped me in my career so that I understand how to write, finish, and market ebooks. Experiencing victories in your career is important. Ellen’s business insights may help you with that. Her insights can also be applied to life in general, as you’ll see as she shares some life-changing decisions she had to make.

How I Reinvented Myself and Found My True Calling

L2W career quote- E. VioletteWhen I started my business, the economy was humming along and people were hungry for Internet-related information, so I started offering copywriting to clients. But, I had always wanted to write books and the timing was right. My husband and I had been buying, fixing, and selling real estate, but the market was getting too hot and there was nothing to buy. So, I started researching ebooks.

I loved the idea of writing ebooks because I could get directly to my potential buyers and I didn’t have to wait for some middleman to approve of my work, which had been the case in the music business where I worked as a songwriter and producer for almost 20 years. I kept winning music awards, (I beat out 30,000 writers for Grand Prize in lyric writing in the Music City Song Festival) but I wasn’t getting the cuts because of the politics involved. I even got a Grammy nomination, and still the work wasn’t coming my way. That’s why I was so excited to discover ebooks and self-publishing. Nobody was going to stop me or get in my way with ebooks!

I wrote my first ebook on writing ebooks and I was finding the process overwhelming and hard to follow, so I looked for an ebook coach, but there weren’t any. My husband and I were already immersed in learning Internet Marketing and since we were going to the BIG SEMINAR, a fabulous event hosted by marketing great, Armand Morin, I thought, surely, I would find an ebook coach there. But, I didn’t. And that’s when I knew I was going to become the first ever ebook coach!

I put together a writing workshop, and then a marketing workshop, and it worked! I made $13,000 on my first offer and was making a 6-figure income in 2 ½ years. I thought I was on my way. I bought a Mercedes and moved to the beach; life was good.

But, then the recession hit, social media came in, and everything changed. Whereas before people had been throwing money at me, now I was hearing more and more from people who wanted to take my courses and workshops, but they couldn’t afford them. I was working harder than ever, but my income was shrinking. So, I started taking more programs trying to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it, but nothing worked. I continued to make a living online while others in my position simply perished. But I wasn’t happy.

In the meantime, Amazon introduced Kindle and that revitalized the ebook industry, I got really good at doing bestseller launches for myself and my clients (I have a 100% success rate taking authors to #1 whom I coach) and that was a lot of fun; it kept me afloat; but more and more people were writing ebooks, launching ebooks, and calling themselves experts. How was I going to continue to differentiate myself and get enough work to stay in business? In addition, I was so pigeonholed that I could only talk about a narrow range of subjects, and boredom was setting in. Something in my career had to change.

So, I went back to the basics. I didn’t have the money to hire a coach so I became my own coach and put myself through the same paces that I put my clients through. I asked myself, “What do I love to do?” “What makes me unique?”, and “How can I leverage my business, so I don’t have to work so hard?” “Or at least work so hard at things I don’t like doing?” And once I could answer those questions, things started to change.

But, I had to be honest with myself. I decided I would only do what I was passionate about, so I am doing my first collaborative book called, “How to Crush it in Business Without Crushing Your Spirit, How Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Depression and Find Success” and loving it! I’m helping more entrepreneurs with a subject people struggle with, but are embarrassed to talk about and finding real solutions! And it’s become more of a mission than a job.

I also made some life-changing decisions; I would write books for other people because I enjoy it; I would no longer coach people who were energy burners because I don’t enjoy it; I would only work with action-takers because they are the ones who get the results I offer; I would joint venture more and stop trying to do it all myself (I now run a mastermind that I thoroughly enjoy with a co-leader, so when I have a speaking opportunity that’s too good to pass up, she can run it and I don’t have to feel guilty!); I would value what I do more and not give into people who wanted my expertise, but didn’t want to pay me what I am worth; I would outsource more of what I don’t like to do; and I would focus on what I love to do that pays me well.

I had to make some changes in my career strategy to accomplish this. I started spending more time on LinkedIn and going offline to networking meetings. I also started reaching out more to contacts I already had— to colleagues, former clients, and prospects. And when I did this, I found that some of the tasks I had hated doing in the past, I no longer hated because there was now a much desired payoff! They have given me more opportunities, more leads, and better clients and I’m doing what I love!

So, I want to encourage anyone who’s struggling to re-evaluate what they are doing and find another way. And if you need help, I offer a free Extraordinary Results Consultation at http://ellenlikes.com/schedulefreeconsult.


Ellen Violette - Career Victory post

©Copyright 2016
All Rights Reserved
Ellen Violette

818 970-6132


shut up satan

Sticky Note Thought #10 – SHUT UP Satan!!!

Just tell your enemy, “NO… Shut up Satan!”

So many times, we battle with thoughts that resound in our head that make us fearful and hopeless. But we have not been left without a battle plan. The Bible gives us instructions about what to do. In James 4:7, we’re told:

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (NIV)

God would have you to keep your vision fixed on Jesus and not be distracted by your problems. He wants you be humble, looking to Him to meet all your needs. He desires that you stand up against the enemy’s tactics and deceptions.

One very practical and effective way to do so is to verbally say to the devil, “Shut up!”

I’m not kidding!

Use your mouth as a weapon, making it clear to your enemy that you won’t put up with the fear-inducing thoughts he puts inside your head. Tell him “NO” and then follow that up with something that has come from the mouth of God that applies to your circumstances and gives you a sense of victory.

No matter what the problem is that you’re facing today, you have been given a powerful weapon and an effective tool– your mouth and God’s Word. Use them daily!


How to Experience Victorious Living::Guest Post

In conjunction with the release of my book, Live To Win! 5 Essentials for Victory and Success, I’m excited to provide a series of guest posts over the next few weeks. These folks are special to me, having coached me in one way or another to achieve my goals at various times and in various areas of my life.

Today, I’m pleased to share with you the insights from John Burton. He helped me as a business coach a few years ago and was instrumental in helping me take the leap of faith to become an author. I’m sure the way he breaks down how to live as a winner in life will help you toward that end.

7 Keys To Victorious Living

In the game of life, there are WINNERS and there are LOSERSThe last time I checked, the universe doesn’t hand out participation trophies. Sometimes we find ourselves “on a roll” and other times we seem to be in a “downward spiral”. So what is the secret to living VICTORIOUSLY? How can we WIN more than we LOSE?  The dictionary defines VICTORY as “an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game or other competition”. For many of us, the battle keeping us from living a VICTORIOUS life is a battle we consistently wage in the 6 inch space between our ears. Our thoughts, programs and mental conditioning prevent many of us from experiencing the truly VICTORIOUS life we deserve.

Let’s take a closer look at the word VICTORY and examine what I believe are 7 keys to what Pastor Joel Osteen refers to as “living our best life now”.

VICTORY…..Victorious living- John Burton

VIGILANCE.  We must be vigilant in all our efforts and actions. When we take consistent action, we produce consistent results. The key is to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.  Frustrated people tend to be inconsistent people.

INTUITION. I believe our inner voice is the voice of our creator. Every challenge presents us with an opportunity to make a CHOICE. The CHOICE we make is more empowering when we trust our intuition. We are wise to listen to other points of view but ultimately our decisions and choices must be made by us.

CHARACTER. As stated in the opening sentence, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. Showing ourselves grace in defeat and exhibiting humility in victory is a true sign of character.

TOLERANCE. We live in a diverse world. We can’t live victoriously if we constantly find ourselves in judgement and disagreement with others. We all have our own set of personal beliefs and values. Living victoriously means that we respect different points of view and learn to separate the other person from their position. This is often referred to as spiritual maturity.

OWNERSHIP. There are three undeniable truths…We ALL make mistakes. We ALL have flaws. We are HUMAN. Our ability to take responsibility for our decisions and subsequent actions (or lack of) is the foundation for victorious living. When we ditch the blame game and embrace personal responsibility, we send a message to the universe that we can be trusted with abundance.

RELATIONSHIPS. Our success in life and business is a team effort. Parents, spouses, friends and associates have all played an important role in our success. Remember, hermits don’t have anything or anyone to celebrate with. Quality relationships are a cornerstone of victorious living.

YESTERDAY. It’s hard to live victoriously and move into our future if we are always looking in the rear view mirror. I once heard a great quote that stated, “yesterday is history, tomorrow’s a mystery, today is a gift, that is why it is called the present.”

Victory is found in the present moment. The next time the past calls, let it go to voicemail, it has nothing new to say.

Here’s to a VICTORIOUS living!

Victorious living- John Burton


John Page Burton is an Author, Business Consultant, and Keynote Speaker.

To learn more, visit www.johnpageburton.com