Tag: gratitude

Why Should I Be…Grateful

Two Rainbows at Dusk in Denmark.
Two Rainbows at Dusk in Denmark. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here are some of my thoughts based on John Maxwell’s video on being GRATEFUL:

  • What I have, I don’t deserve because of my goodness, rather, it’s all because of Jesus’ goodness in my stead
  • Gratitude and Peace are interconnected; the more gratitude I express to God, the more of His peace I experience
  • It’s a way to express my indebtedness to others and to God, thereby helping me to become a better servant-leader
  • Gratitude is a choice; I can just as easily choose to complain about life instead of being grateful

I choose to celebrate that God loves me and blesses me, even when circumstances around me are teeming with reasons to not be grateful!


You can view John Maxwell’s video here: http://johnmaxwellteam.com/grateful/