Category: joy

Celebration Time

Salvatore Vuono/
Salvatore Vuono/

I’m learning how to celebrate the little things in life.

I’m learning how to pause and enjoy the moment of an accomplishment.

The accomplishment I’m celebrating today is, drum roll please… having posted 200 times on this blog site! Woo Hoo!

Thank you for being here. I’m thankful for all your comments, votes, prayers, and suggestions over the past two years. I hope you have enjoyed reading my thoughts, gotten encouraged, gleaned much from the Word of God, and seen how life can be positively transformed when you’re focused on Jesus.

Over the next 200+ posts, I pray that you’ll continue to be inspired to live life with a hope-filled focus. Tell a friend to join you here so you can share encouragement with one another.

How do you take time to celebrate the small successes of life?

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Day 7 of 7 Days of Joy

Life gives you many opportunities to choose between blessing and cursing, life and death, good and bad, hope and despair (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Be intentional. Every morning start your day choosing to have an attitude of joy.

Today, you’ll have lots of choices to make throughout the day. Make a decision right now to choose JOY as often as you can.

Background image courtesy of
Background image courtesy of

Day 6 of 7 Days of Joy

Allow yourself to be stalked, overtaken, and  overwhelmed by JOY today!

Original background image courtesy of Idea Go /
Original background image courtesy of Idea Go /


Day 5 of 7 Days of Joy

Experience joy even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Be empowered by focusing on the One who can change your circumstances.

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Day 4 of 7 Days of Joy

God celebrates you -framed

Day 3 of 7 Days of Joy

Original image by johanna muhlbauer/
Original image by johanna muhlbauer/

Day 2 of 7 Days of Joy

Original image courtesy of idea go/
Original image courtesy of idea go/

Day 1 of 7 Days of Joy

Image courtesy of vectorgirl/
Image courtesy of vectorgirl/

Sometimes we just need a simple reminder to find JOY in life.

Here’s the first of seven simple reminders I’d like to give to you.

Grace & Peace,


Why Should I Be…Joyful

Happiness is an emotion and is based on our external circumstances.  It fluctuates and is temporary. On the other hand, joy is more an attitude of the heart. Joy is a much stronger factor in our lives than happiness ever could be.

Joy is based on receiving God’s love (Galatians 5:22). It is a by-product of His Spirit dwelling in us and producing growth in our spirit. Joy is stable because it is based on the unchanging love Jesus has for us. Our relationship with Him allows us to enjoy His presence at any time, even in the midst of the worst hurt. In His presence, there is fulness (abundance) of joy! So when there are circumstances in our lives  that challenge us to our core, and prevent us from finding anything to be happy about, we can still have joy because we find solace in knowing that we are loved by the One who is Love!

Being joyful is a choice. That’s because even in the midst of severe tests and trials, joy can still exist in our hearts and be exhibited in our actions. During hard times, we can choose to be miserable or we can choose to find pleasure in our relationship with Jesus, knowing that He brings life, peace, strength, comfort and much more. The joy that is resident in Him is full, complete, and perfect. That joy is a place and means of safety, protection and refuge for us in good and bad times alike. (Strong’s Concordance)

It’s no wonder that Paul reiterated to the Philippians to rejoice and again, to rejoice.

Joy…it’s a good thing!

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