Category: Trust

Infertility Sucks!

Hope During Infertility

Yesterday, while talking with a friend about my experience with infertility, I was reminded of some of the emotions that surfaced during that struggle:

  • Shock
  • Devastation
  • Demoralization
  • Aloneness
  • Jealousy
  • Confusion
  • Stress
  • Shame

I felt inadequate as a woman because I couldn’t do the one thing that women can do that men can’t— give birth. There are additional depressing feelings that were brought on by infertility but the point I want to make to you is that I OVERCAME them. Thankfully, I had understanding friends who pointed me to God. They encouraged me to learn about the women in the Bible who experienced infertility and overcame it. That was a turning point for me!

If you’re struggling through the emotions of infertility (and I do mean through–don’t get stuck there), you know where I’m coming from–infertility sucks! Please know that you are not alone. Trust in the Word of God. Trust in His love for you.

Have confidence that God’s promises of fertility are true for YOU. Find and anchor your hope in them.

Focus Friday

Focus on the following promise throughout the day. God said it and it’s what He desires. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day and expect God to do what He has said!

“And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”  ~~Isaiah 10:27

Words (Photo credit: sirwiseowl)


Signage at a Michigan left intersection. Two l...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My life has had a lot of distractions-some big, some small- that have taken my gaze away from God’s plan and His loving hand. Those distractions have come packaged in a lot of different ways: as boys, when I was a teenaged girl; as extra-curricular activities, when I was a college student; and, as church activities, when I was a young mother.

Each of these distractions, among many others, brought their own set of consequences and kept me from fully enjoying God’s plan for me. Emotional turmoil resulted from the “boys distraction.” Poor grades resulted from the “extra-curricular distraction.” And yes, believe it or not, church activities were a distraction! They slowly began to eat away at the time I spent at home with my husband and children. It was hard to recognize that my schedule was problematic and even harder to make a change to it.

Hebrews 12:2 in the Amplified Bible encourages us to look away from all that will distract us and look to Jesus.  After all, His plan is the BEST for us because it is birthed out of love and is filled with good and perfect gifts [James 1:7].

But in order to keep our eyes on Him, we have to be convinced that Jesus is the answer to our problems at hand and trust that there’s no need to look anywhere else for our solution.

What’s the distraction in your life today that pulls your gaze to anything other than Jesus? No matter how big or small it is, how will you re-focus in order to experience God’s plan?

Want Great Results?

Ruth, a woman whose story is found in the Old Testament, was living a life that seemed desolate of anything good. Her husband had died, leaving her childless. Her father-in-law and brother-in-law had both died, leaving Ruth, her mother-in-law (Naomi) and sister-in-law without a family provider. She was living in a country that was not her own so she had no nearby relatives who could help her. There was famine throughout the land. Talk about unfavorable life circumstances!

But Ruth chose to put her faith in the God of her Hebrew mother-in-law. She was determined to see the salvation and deliverance that she believed God had for her. Even while she lived in seemingly unbearable conditions, she believed that God would ultimately show her favor.

Ruth and Naomi traveled back to Naomi’s homeland, hoping to find a family member who would show kindness and assist them.  Ruth chose to declare that God would help them and provide for them. She trusted that He would lead her to the right field to glean and to its kind owner. God honored her faith in Him. She began to see His hand of favor operate in her life. God led her to Boaz, who loved her and redeemed her. Instead of being a poor, childless widow, she experienced marriage, wealth, and motherhood. Faith in God’s favor produced great results!

Want great results in your life? Believe that God’s loving hand of favor is on you. Declare it every day!

Please come back and share the wonderful results you experience due to believing and declaring God’s favor in your life.

A Penny For Your Thoughts

I’ve been thinking about the issue of trust. Nowadays, how do you know who’s trustworthy?

Look closely at this penny. It’s a great reminder about Who to trust!

Trust in Jesus’ finished work on your behalf.

Trust in the unshakable, true promises of God.

Hold tightly  to your dream. Don’t let circumstances break you loose from it.

Make a decision to believe in and stand on the Word of God as the absolute Truth in life. The Truth will shake up your circumstances in a positive way!

What do you use as a reminder to trust God in your circumstances? I’d love to know!

Life’s Road Map

Circumstances in life can sometimes take us off course. They become distractions that take our eyes off of our desired destination and deceive us to head in a direction that was not planned. But just as you may have a GPS system in your car or on your phone that talks to you and gives new directions, as a believer in Jesus, you have a GPS system in your heart–the Holy Spirit. He will be the One who compassionately corrects your life path with small turns here and there to get you back on course to the destiny that God has planned for you.

So when you’re feeling like you don’t know the next step to take in life (I’ve been there, done that, and bought MANY t-shirts), consult the One who does know. Ask Him for wisdom and He will not fail to give it to you.

As a matter of fact, He will give wisdom liberally to those trust Him to do so.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 [NIV]