Tag: grace

Would You Say He’s Your Fertilizer?

Matthew 16:13 tells us of the time when Jesus had a discussion with His disciples about their beliefs and how they verbally expressed those beliefs. The scripture reads, “When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” Some disciples only said what they had heard other people say. But when Peter answered that  Jesus was the Son of God, the Anointed One, Jesus applauded him. Peter had let the right words come out of his mouth!

If you’re dealing with infertility right now, who do you say Jesus is in your situation? Would you say He’s not listening or that He’s a distant, unwilling healer? Would you say He’s being judgmental and imposing infertility on you as a punishment? Well, this may sound weird but, I want to encourage you to say that He is your “fertilizer”.

Hold on…I’m not being disrespectful to His divinity. I am honoring His ability to be whatever you need in the moment of your need. If your womb has been declared infertile by doctors, then why not make your own declaration that Jesus is the one Who can make it fertile? In fact, because of His complete work on the cross on our behalf, He has already addressed this issue [2Peter 2:24] and made complete healing available for you to receive! He really is the Fertilizer of your womb.

Believe in His love for you.

Look to Him to fulfill every need you have.

Trust in His grace and favor that He pours out for you.

Let the right words come out of your mouth by declaring that Jesus is whatever you need Him to be!

Will you believe and say that He is your Fertilizer?


Do You Smell Victory?

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”  2 Corinthians 2:14 [NKJV]

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Images

The first part of that scripture, has been one that I’ve believed in and stood on through multiple and various struggles. I frequently have to remind myself of my victory in Christ so that I don’t concentrate on the problem and sink into a pit of despair about my circumstances. I depend on that verse because it contains the word “always.” “Always” means without exception, on every occasion, continuously (dictionary.com). When I have truly and consistently put my trust/faith/belief in that victory supplied by Jesus to every believer, I have seen its manifestation.

But only today did the second half of that verse stand out to me—“through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” For the last 8 weeks, I’ve been teaching a Bible study class at my church about the unmerited, unearned favor (grace) of God. Having done so has opened my eyes to an entirely different way of looking at things! Now it’s easier to see that knowing more about Jesus’ perfect and complete work on the cross multiplies His grace in my life [2 Peter 1:2]. His grace does not depend on my efforts/works. His grace gives us continuous victory. We did not do anything to acquire because Jesus did it all. Knowing Him imparts a beautiful fragrance to our lives because increased knowledge about JESUS multiplies grace and peace.

To know Him — His love, His strength, His sacrifice, His work —  is to know victory, and it smells good!

Do you smell victory?

Please encourage others by sharing below an instance of victory that you’ve experienced.

Loved by a Cross-Eyed God

For the last 6 weeks I’ve been teaching at my church about God’s Favor in our lives. It has been a transformative time as I have learned more about being accepted by God purely by what Jesus did on the cross and not by my efforts/works. Here’s one of the props I’ve used in the class:

I know, it looks ridiculous, but when God gave me the idea, I knew it would be effective in getting this point across…

Did you know that God is “cross-eyed?” He sees the believer only through the finished work of Jesus on the cross.What Jesus did on that cross on our behalf was so important. At the cross is where He established our value to Him. It’s where we find assurance of both His love and His desire to bless us with His unearned favor/grace.

Do you know how God sees YOU? Well, He’s “cross-eyed” all the time so when He looks at you, He ‘s still looking through the lens or filter of the cross.  No matter what you’ve done or are doing at this moment, if you’re a believer in Jesus, God’s viewpoint of  you is always through Jesus’ shed blood and complete work on the cross. That’s why He can love you unconditionally, the same way He loves Jesus (John 17:23), because He sees you clothed in Jesus’ righteousness, fully and eternally cleansed of any sin because of His sacrifice on the cross.

God’s blessing, healing, delivering and prospering believers is all because of Jesus’ perfect obedience/efforts/work at the cross. There’s nothing we can do to earn His love and there’s nothing we can do to lose it. As the old hymn goes, “Jesus paid it all!”

Being loved by a “cross-eyed” God is the best way to be loved! Can you think of any better way to be loved?


Cover of "Unmerited Favor"
Cover of Unmerited Favor


If you’d like to study more about Jesus’ finished work and His favor to us, our resource text for the class has been Unmerited Favor by Joseph Prince. I highly recommend it!

Embrace Your Inner King/Queen

Jesus died to enable us to reign in life. Do you feel like royalty? Or do you simply feel like you carry the royal title of “Christian” but you’re not exercising nor experiencing the ruling power that’s supposed to come along with it?

There is a king/queen in you if you are a believer in the work of Jesus on the cross on your behalf. Maybe you need to tap into the knowledge that through Jesus, God transferred you from the devil’s kingdom of darkness and oppression into the His kingdom of light, life and power [Col. 1:13]. If you need a boost in believing your life should be more of a demonstration of the power to reign in life, I encourage you to read these scriptures and thoughtfully consider their application in your life.

There IS a King in you if believe in Jesus as Savior. How will you more fully embrace your inner king/queen and reign in life?

“For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.” ~~ Romans 5:17 NIV

“And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him [be] glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” ~~Revelation 1:6

Enjoy hearing Donald Lawrence & Company sing There Is A King In You.

Focus Friday


Focus on the following promise throughout the day. God said it and it’s what He desires. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak the Word continually and expect God to do what He has said!

“And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”  ~~2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT

Grace Always, Part 2

Grace. It is God’s unearned favor, an unfailing strength that He pours out on His children, simply because they believe in Him.

Paul said, in 2 Corinthians 12:9, that God told him  His grace was sufficient for the struggle Paul was in. What do you think God meant? I think God was showing Paul that  he should utilize the strength (grace) that was already in him. It was in him because he believed what Jesus had done on the cross qualified him to receive it. Through Jesus, he would be strong enough to endure until the victory was manifested. It was a loving way of telling Paul to not give up because what he had inside of him, which was the grace imparted by the Spirit, was powerful! That grace would be enough to see him through to victory!

Likewise, God’s grace is powerful for us today in the 21st century. It is enough to see us through to victory. No need to fear. Simply believe, receive and depend on God’s grace.

Grace Always

Have you ever wondered if God is mad at you? Do you sometimes wonder if infertility is a result of God’s anger toward you because of something you’ve done or haven’t done?

The best thing to do whenever you’re wondering about the negative things in your life is to look to the Word of God. It continually points us to Jesus and His loving, all-encompassing work on the cross. Do you know that Jesus died for you so that God’s anger toward your missteps, your wrong choices, and your bad behavior would be totally satisfied? Because He died on your behalf, He took ALL the punishment and now you can simply rest in God’s grace.

“Rest” means living life knowing that everything is completed, there’s nothing left to do to satisfy God. Jesus did it perfectly and completely so that you can enjoy receiving all that God’s grace provides. God’s response to the believer in Jesus Christ is always grace. His grace is free, it is unearned favor—nothing you can do to acquire it, nothing you can do to lose it. Grace brings goodness in your life as you continually believe that God is for you and not against you.

So when you are once again faced with wondering if God is angry and sent infertility your way as a result, think again. Only this time, think about His grace toward you and how it is sufficient to turn infertility around and send it packing.

“And since it is through God’s kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God’s grace would not be what it really is—free and undeserved.” ~~Romans 11:6  New Living Translation

No Condemnation

Do you ever get tired of “shoulding” all over yourself?

I do.  I should have gotten up and walked this morning. I should have set the timer to get off the computer so I could get other important things done. I should have made a better choice for a snack this afternoon. I should have told my hairdresser to not cut so much of my hair off. I should have told each of my children “I love you” this morning.

I could “should” all over myself all day,everyday,  if I allowed myself to do so. I could beat myself up about so many little things and big things. But I have to daily remind myself that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1).  If I make a mistake or if I make a wrong choice, I don’t have to re-live it over and over again in my head. If Jesus doesn’t hold things against me, why do I? That’s not to say that I  shouldn’t try to make right choices; it just means that I can find peace in Him when I don’t.

If you condemn yourself because of a life changing choice you made years ago, or even yesterday, STOP! You’re the only one on that ride going to nowhere!  Jesus is on the ride that is headed toward the destination of grace, forgiveness and peace and He wants you to join Him. So stop “shoulding” all over yourself and take a ride on the GRACE side.