Tag: satanic

God Sent His Word to Heal and Set You Free

What is it that will heal us in every situation? God’s Word. That’s why He sent it!

What may be a very familiar verse in Psalm 107 is one which is filled with powerful promise:

He sent His Word and healed them and saved them from their destructions. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind. – Psalm 107:20

God spoke the word that healed you. By the power of His word, you were healed.

You may be thinking or saying, “But my body doesn’t act like it’s healed. I’m still not pregnant.”

I want to encourage you to do what Jesus did when He was presented with thoughts that Satan presented to Him. Jesus met every satanic challenge by responding, “It is written…” He would quote a verse that God had sent through His prophets and kings. He would say what God had said. His response to the challenges was always something that had been recorded in those Jewish writings. The Scriptures always related to what He was facing.

God's Word Heals and Sets Free


God’s Promises

Today, we have the entire Bible at our disposal so that we know what Jesus said and did. So when you’re faced with a thought that is contrary to one of God’s promises, let your response be what God has said.  Find a verse in God’s Word that specifically relates to the situation you’re facing. And then SAY it. And say it again. Keep hearing yourself say it so that you build your confidence in what God has said.


Because the more you hear it from your own mouth, the more it saturates your spirit. And the more you saturate your spirit with God’s words, the stronger your faith becomes. Then you’re able to on keep trusting that God’s promise is true for YOU. You’re able to rest in knowing that promise until you see it manifested.

So follow Jesus’ example by speaking Scripture to your challenge.  THIS IS HOW WE ARE TO LIVE!

People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:3 NLT

Jesus even repeated this particular Scripture verse in His teaching (Matthew 4:4).

So take the time to find what is written in the Bible about your fertility. God’s word of grace is able to build you up and help you possess what Jesus died for you to receive– healing and freedom.

Tell me in the comments below: What’s a Scripture verse that resonates most with you about God’s faithfulness or about your fertility?