Tag: sun

The Sun Is ALWAYS Shining

It’s been a chilly, wet and cloudy day today. The sun has been covered by grey clouds all day. When I went out to Zumba class this morning, there was no sign of the sun in the sky. Did that mean the sun had stopped shining?

Of course not! The sun is always shining, even on dark, dreary days. But because my view of the sun was obscured by the dark clouds, its presence wasn’t noticeable and went unacknowledged.

Life can be like that. When we look only at our surrounding circumstances, it can sometimes feel like a dreary and depressing life. Somehow, we begin to focus only on those “dark clouds” of life. We easily forget that the blessings of God are still swirling around us, ever-ready for us to grasp and bring the bright and abundant life God desires for us. His presence is an eternal promise to the believer in Jesus and brings nothing but grace to our lives. Like the sun, His blessings are always there, even when we don’t notice  them or take advantage of them.

I hope you’ll take time to remember everyday that the light of His grace is always available to brighten even your darkest circumstances. You just have to look to Him.