God’s Got This

If you like to be in control of things in your life like I do, you may sometimes experience frustration that life is not working out exactly as you had planned. When my husband and I decided to start having children, we thought pregnancy would happen according to our timeline that we had developed a few years earlier. It didn’t.

After numerous doctor visits, temperature charting, lab tests, tears, anger, and many times of asking God “why,” we finally decided that we’d put this issue of infertility in God’s hands. And He did not disappoint! The Bible says to cast all our cares (those things that distract us from believing in God’s willingness to help us) onto God. He wants us to choose to focus on the truth that He is not only able to move mightily on our behalf, but He is also willing to do the  impossible in our lives. He loves us so much and wants the “best” things we desire in our lives to line up with His “best” plan.

When we reach a point in life’s circumstances that we can truly say within our heart, “God’s got this,” we are positioning ourselves in the place of rest that He intended for us to be in all along. It’s in that place of rest, which is actually a place of great strength, that we see His best plan for us come to fruition. 

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