An Eye-Opener for Me and a Pledge to You

Well, last night was an eye-opener for me. I was with a small group of ladies, talking about my desires for my coaching business in 2019. Little did I know how the conversation would turn.

As I talked about my fears of finally stepping into what I know God is asking me to do…stepping into fertility coaching fully…I expressed how I thought I might not be relevant to younger women who are of childbearing age. But one of the ladies in the group, someone who I had not previously known, surprised me with her response. She shared that she had struggled with infertility for 10 years between her second child and her third child. Her mother was not alive during that time. She longed to speak to someone who had a mother’s heart. She had a real need to speak to someone who had experienced infertility and would share wisdom and encouragement with her from a biblical perspective.

Boy, was I convicted!

Now, I’ve decided that even though I may not be a marketing expert, even though I may not be savvy in using Instagram or other social media, I am putting myself out there. More than I have in the past.

Are You #TTC?

So to those of you who have known me through my blog, my books, or my fertility Facebook Groups, you will begin to see and hear more from me. And to those of you who will discover me in future posts, I pledge to do my best in making your season of infertility one that will not be filled with hopelessness.

If you are trying to conceive, I want to help you to develop and maintain a hope-filled focus so that you are confident in God’s promises of fertility!  

If you are #TTC, I want to help you develop and maintain a hope-filled focus so that you are confident in God's promises of #fertility! Click To Tweet

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