Tag: forgiven

Renegade Thoughts

Do you ever find yourself thinking renegade thoughts? You know, those thoughts that really don’t line up with what God has said about you as a believer in Jesus Christ. Sometimes thoughts can come to mind and bring you down, making you feel stuck in believing that your situation can never change. But be encouraged, what God has said is what comes to pass when we trust that what He has said is the unshakeable Truth [Isaiah 55:11].

God has said:

You’re forgiven. [Colossians 1:13-14]

You’re healed, by Jesus’ stripes. [1 Peter 2:24]

You’re loved by God just as much as He loves Jesus. [John 17:23]

You’re an heir to the blessing of Abraham (which includes having children). [Galatians 3:13-14; Deuteronomy 7:14]

You’re more than a conqueror because you are in Christ, the ultimate conqueror. [Romans 8:37]


What do you say to your renegade thoughts? Release your faith and say what God has said!