Tag: victory over infertility

victory over infertility -breakthrough - sticky note

My Story of Victory Over Infertility – Part 2

I’m so glad I didn’t give up or give in to the doubts and fears that bombarded me during the season of infertility. You can read more about that in part 1 of my story of victory over infertility. I had friends who I trusted to give me solid and godly  advice during that season. One friend shared that I should read the accounts in the Bible of women who had overcome infertility. These were real-life stories of victory that I could hold on to, trusting that if God did it for them, He would do it for me. He would be true to His word and keep His promises of fertility. I kept a journal during this time to record my thoughts and prayers, Scripture, and experiences.

Make sure you read my related (exciting) announcement at the end of this blog post!

My Story Continues…

After five days of not having a period in November of 1987, I did a home pregnancy test and the test stick turned blue— its result was positive! I could hardly believe it. After all that time of “trying,” after all the failed attempts and negative test results, I was finally pregnant! Once it actually happened, it did not seem real. But Freeman and I celebrated (very calmly). That following Saturday, we were to play in a volleyball game with some church members. I chose to not play. I did not want to take any chances of falling or someone bumping into me.

After the game, I got a phone call from a close friend wondering what was going on since I didn’t play. We told her the good news and swore her to secrecy. 🙂  I couldn’t allow myself to completely trust the test result until I could confirm it with a test at the doctor’s office. I went in, having already told myself not to be too disappointed if it produced a negative result. The fear was real!

Finally Pregnant!

As I sat nervously in the examination room, the nurse came in and said with a big grin, “You’re pregnant!” All the nurses in the office were so happy. They had seen me go through many pregnancy tests that turned out negative. Even my doctor was surprised that it finally happened! I was to meet Freeman for lunch that day and I could hardly wait to give him the good news. After we finished eating, I showed him the test results and congratulated him for officially being a daddy. He cried! It was a precious moment.

Just a week later, I experienced some spotting—small amounts of vaginal bleeding. Of course my first thought was, “Am I going to lose the baby?” Yes, even though I had experienced victory over infertility and had finally gotten pregnant, there was still fear of an attack from the devil on my body and now, also on my baby’s life.
I had to choose whether to give in to the fear or trust God. It was my choice as to whether to accept the fearful thoughts, to cast them down, or just ignore them. I certainly did not want to give in and live with fearful thoughts. Ignoring them would have left them harboring in the recesses of my mind and having a place to silently grow into even larger, more fearful thoughts. I had to cast them down by re-directing my thoughts to God’s love and the power of His Word.

Jesus ALREADY Did It

As the spotting continued during the next several weeks, I wrote in my journal that I had to remind myself of Colossians 2:15—“Jesus spoiled principalities and made a show of them openly”. He did that for me and for my baby growing inside of me. I had to trust that this baby would make it through a full term pregnancy. Thankfully, we also had prayer support from many people which boosted our trust in God over the next few months as the spotting continued and even some cramping began.

But God was faithful to His Word that Jesus had given us victory over infertility and childlessness! My pregnancy proceeded successfully. Our precious baby boy was born in June 1988, completely healthy and handsome.

#ttc- I had to remind myself of Colossians 2:15---“Jesus spoiled principalities and made a show of them openly”. He did that for me AND for my baby growing inside of me. Click To Tweet

In time, God added to our family. He blessed us with a healthy and handsome son two years later. We were blessed with a healthy and beautiful daughter four years later. Those pregnancies occurred as soon as we started “trying” and both progressed smoothly.

God is your source of breakthrough. He can truly make a way when there seems to be no way.

Victory over infertility is indeed possible!


Fear, worry, and doubt have an insidious way of creeping into our minds and hearts as we navigate pregnancy after experiencing infertility, miscarriage, or infant loss. That’s why I have co-authored a new book, Conceived by Grace: A No-Fear Pregnancy Journal, with a friend who experienced multiple miscarriages. We know from experience that focusing on God’s love and power is a game-changer.

We’re excited about providing this pregnancy journal so that you keep your focus on the truth of God’s Word during pregnancy. You can record your thoughts, prayers, and experiences, read Words of Wisdom, and rely on scriptures provided to empower you. It’s coming in early 2020 so that you can be encouraged to expect victory throughout your entire pregnancy.

Fill out the form below for more info about how you can get Conceived by Grace!